Supporting People With Disabilities
Showing 1–12 of 16 results
Linda Van Dyke’s Favorite Four
By Linda Cofield-Van Dyke
A look into one of High Tide’s bestsellers!
Sex & Relationships Conversation Cards
Cards for learning about sex and relationships through games and discussion
Suzie Brown Intervention Maze
By John Shephard
A training tool for staff working with people with developmental disabilities who have challenging needs
The Pretenders
By Barbara Guyer, Ed.D.
Gifted people who have difficulty learning
Rights, Responsibilities & Supports Conversation Cards
By Vickie Overpeck with CQL
Cards for learning about rights, responsibilities, and supports through games and discussion
Human Rights Committees
By Amy Tabor and Steve Baker
Start today to make—or remake—your HRC into a powerful cornerstone for full and abundant living for the persons you serve -
Creating a Meaningful Day
By Linda Cofield-Van Dyke
Discover a new world of meaning for adults with significant intellectual disabilities
Reading and Self-Esteem
By Barbara Priddy Guyer, Ed.D. and Kenneth Guyer, Ph.D.
Learn about the vital connection between reading ability and self-esteem
The Other Side of Pain
By Michael Mecozzi, Psy.D.
Explore a new understanding of pain
Outcome Management
By Art Dykstra
Achieving outcomes for people with disabilities
Scanning The Horizon
By Amy Tabor and Steve Baker
Using organizational data to prevent abuse and neglect of people with intellectual disabilities
The Principles and Practices of Universal Enhancement
By Thomas Pomeranz, Ed.D.
Redefining the elements of a quality life