Mary Mercer
Mary Mercer is the Director of the North Dakota Community Staff Training Project for North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities (NDCPD). Prior to joining NDCPD, she held positions in human resource development and program management for a community-based service provider to people with developmental disabilities.
Mary has experience as a direct support staff person and is a guardian for a man with a dual diagnosis of intellectual disability and mental illness.
At NDCPD, her work has primarily involved training for primary and secondary consumers, University Center of Excellence trainees, and staff in both community-based human service and a generic aging service program. As director of the statewide training curriculum for staff who support individuals with developmental disabilities, she develops curriculum materials, assessment measures and teaching aids; organizes workshops and conferences; provides on site consultative visits to community providers; coordinates the Developmental Disabilities Associate of Arts Degree; and provides online instruction for undergraduate special education courses.
Ms. Mercer earned a bachelor’s degree in education from North Dakota State University and a master’s degree in special education from Minot State University.
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